Friday, February 1, 2008

Out came the Saws All

Tuesday night was a nasty night! Windy, rainy... But it wasnt to bad for us(me and Anthony). We were snug as bug in a rug. We had the space heater lit and work commenced. I started by shop vacing everything. There is nothing like getting little rust particles in the eyes. Then the next thing was to figure out what to do next. So out came the saws all. it was decided to remove the headers, and the easiest way to do that was cut the pipes. With a newly installed blade,in no time, they were gone. Looking at the headers, I'll be able reuse them.
After a little discussion, we agreed the next thing to do is the ball joints. The ball joints was one of the reason Thumprr was parked in the first place. So we proceeded to attemp to remove the front tires. Out came the inpact wrench... LOL, the lugs would not even budge... tried a different tire, Same thing. With the many years of none activity, the lugs have decided that is the way they like it. Massive amounts of penetrating oil was added. We let it sit for little while, and tried again. No luck : (
So it was time to call it the night. More penetrating oil, and I headed to the house.

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